miércoles, 13 de julio de 2016
I'm libertarian.
I think this sentence summarizes all the things I hate or gets me "up in arms"
Like libertarian, I hate the capitalism, the patriarchy and the authority.
To me, or to any libertarian, the capitalism and the pratiarchy reproduce the authority in giant dimensions, so for this reason I think we need to overcome both.
In the capitalism I hate the material inequality and their aftermath: seeing the "cuica" people talking about first world problems, or speaking about the pour people and making stupids jugdments about them, thinking "I'm intelligent, I have reason". I hate talk with the "cuica" people, 'cause they don't know NOTHING about the world, except the "romantic love" or the arts, or the famous people. They doesn't know nothing about the public transport, but know all of the car brands. They have a easy life and they complain anyway. And they doesn't deserve this life, 'cause they did nothing for have this life, only they inherited. And when you try to speak with them, is like you speak with a rock.
About patriarchy I hate the "male men" with my life!! I hate when I'm speaking and any fucking guy interrupted me. I hate when I'm trying to do something and any men don't ask me "do you need help?" instead take MY job 'cause they think "I can do it better than she". I hate when a men say me "The patriarchy doesn't exist, 'cause if it exist you couldn't study now". I ask to me What happen with their brains? REALLY, I don't understand how they are the "intelligent sex" if say things like that.I hate when a men can't give up his privilege in the society, but say "fukings bourgeois, give up your privilege!" What happen with they? really don't see their context? Don't see the girls next to? Dont see her oppression?
I hate shave, I hate being weak, I hate being submissive, I hate the imposition whitouth my body, my thought, my wishes, my dreams... I DON'T WANT TO HAVE CHILDRENS, I WANT TO GET AN ABORTION IF I NEED IT, and DON'T WANT TO LISTEN ANY APRRECIATON OF ANY MEN.
Sorry if I'm bad with the mens, but just we can see the daily fear of womens and maybe you understand me a little.
I can't be more explicit 'cause I don0t know much about english and don't found the words...
But, I don't hate all the mens, I hate, like I said, the MALE MENS.
sábado, 2 de julio de 2016
Yesterday, in the class, we did a schedule to a group of people to make a interesting vacations in London.
My apreciation of this travel, isn't good, 'cause I traveled to Europe in 2011 (I tolk about it with the miss) and my experience in France, Spain and Swizeland, was very bad, specially in France, 'cause the expectation was good, but the reallity was bad, full of foreigners (I don't have problems with them, but the pictures of France never show them), and poverty.
So, I wouldn't like to go to London, never, I just want to go again to Cuba, the best coutry I'vevisited.
Well. I think the best of london is the tribute to the viking's culture, the pub's of them or the itinerant museums. I think is the unic things I would like to visit, 'cause I love the nordic culture, their gods, and their old society, and the plus is that I love the alcohol, and I think I should to go to a viking pub, like a duty, a duty of my heart and my passions.
In my schedule I didn't put a travel to the museum of Hogwarts, and I think is a trason of my beginnings hahaha, 'cause I love with my life Harry Potter, and my dream is know Emma Watson (When she was in Chile I almost fainted). But, well, the best expression of Harry poter is in USA, and I wouldn't NEVER go to this never, never.
I would like taste the butter beer of Hogsmeade (of harry potter) and the Nordic beer <3.
What more about London? Mayve try to found the house of Chris Martin and give him a hug <3.
miércoles, 29 de junio de 2016
One of my favorite movies is "Still Alice" (Yesterdey in the night, HBO2 showed this movie). I knew this movie 'cause my old sister. In a "night of movies" with the family she showed "Always Alice", and I cried every times.
Really, I don't know nothing about actor's or actress's, just know Johny Deep and Emma Watson, hehe, but I searched who was thefamous actor's or actriss's in this movie and I found: Julianne Moore, the lead actress won an Oscar for his show this movie, and a secondary actress is Kristen Steart, the lead actress in the secuence of movies of "twilight".
I don't know much about genders of movies, but this movie is maybe dramatic (well, I cried all the night), and is about Alice, one proffesional of the language, and mother, who was diagnosed with Alzhaimer, in his short age. The movie show how this disease ruins her life in one year, making she forget all of his life, her sons, her work, her husband. It's really sad.
The movie show perfectly this bad disease, and what will be feel someone if have it. You can think in the misterious of the mind, how the mind can betray you, in anytime. I think I prefer have SIDA than alzhaimer. With alzhaimer Alice ceased to exist, to make a zombie, an animal without comunication, without memory.
The name of the movie, "still alice" is like a joke of the life of Alice, 'cause she ceased his life, his past, by more than try to fight.
bye. Remember your life, your memory !!
domingo, 19 de junio de 2016
One day I talked aboutthem, about Coldplay, my favorite band.
I love them, I love their music, fundamentaly the old discs.
Really, Idon't know much about Coldplay, about their travels like group, or their work or composition, just I know their music, 'cause I like theri music, anymore, I don't know nothing about Chris martin, just maybe he's beautiful. But I hate be a obstrusive fan, I don't understand what happen with the obstrusive fans.
Well, about coldplay...
In the past, they played alternative and depressive music, like Radiohead, but now they play a mixture of pop and depressive music, to change the style. To me, the new music is so so, but the old music is perfect.
I like Coldplay 'cause I love listen a melancholy music, to make my day more interesting, to feel something, or feel more.
Really, I haven't a favorite song of this group, but I can name the best songs for me, without order: Square One (a wonderfull electric and melancholy song), shiver, green eyes, 'til kingdom come, in muy place, politik, amsterdam, up in flames, viva la vida, 42, X&Y, violet hill. Regrettably, in the concert of coldplay this year, their played JUST ONE of this songs I mentioned, "'til kingdom come", and other I like "don't panic" but isn't one of my favorites songs.
I show you a good song:
lunes, 13 de junio de 2016
I'm an artist. I like write in my second project of book, the continuation of "La confabulación del inmortal", an nobody never teach me to write a book. In that sence all of you can write a book if you will do it. I like too draw, in the computer and in a paper sheet. The images are a demostration of my capacity to draw and my books.
But since the 2015 I don't draw like before, 'cause before I wrote three or four times in the week, and now I wrote sometimes, one times in the mounth, maybe. And I think I lose the practice, especially with the computational draw. And I'm feeling bad now, 'cause I don't have a "touchpad" to draw with a virtual pencil, so I need to write, like the past, with my mouse.
Other ting I feeled the last year was my phisical conditioning, I saw myself and saw a fat woman, with stretch marks that before didn't exist, and said to me "Cata, you can't continue that way!" and sinse that day I tried to go to the gym but I can't be constant. I don't like gym, so I tried this year to go to the pool in the Estadio Nacional, but the time in the class in de University shocked with the time to swim.
But now, I try to go to any club of tenis, 'cause I tink "The world try to kill me, and I can't let him to do it". So, now I want to be a tenis woman, and do some excercise and be strong and happy and feel heals.
Bye :)
All my life I loved Santiago, I remember why... Because (today too) I loved the cibernetic games, and in the vacations when I traveled to the coast (El quisco, Viña del Mar, etc) I needed to went to a "cyber" to play in my game's, just one time in all of the vacations, and I suffered. Even I remember when one day my "neopets", a pet in a game, die because I don't feeded it.
I also liked Santiago 'causa was the capital, and I feeled important, one feel I think now is stupid.. why I'm feeled important living in the capital? Now, I don't like nothing of this city.
I hate walk in every place and greets no one. What happen in their minds? We pretend that we don't be here, when we looked the floor when someone passes next to we, and is so stupid, really.
I hate have fear all the night thinking one drunk will try on of rape me, thinking that nobody help me. I also hate the difference of the buildings in the city, being beautiful above "plaza italaia" and being dreadful under of "plaza italia", seeing people crowded, pour, and unhappy.
I hate the cement, and don't see any tree in a street, I really hate that, I hate feel the grass just in a park or in a fucking soccer field.
I hate the transantiago, this fuking system of public transport, that of public hasn't nothing, 'cause is so much expensive.
Maybe I just like of Santiago the incredible posibilitys to stay in.
If you go to Santiago, don't go to the center, go to the rial life, in San Bernardo, La florida, Huechuaraba, etc, and see what is the real capital, and the disgusting people.
If santiago had mor parks or closed places (Like the GAM) to meet the people, maybe would a better city.
jueves, 26 de mayo de 2016
I always wanted to be a teacher, but no teachin the school, 'cause the requirement of the ministry of education seems to me lousy. So, in third medium I thought: "I love the humanist subject, what humanist topic can I teach in the future? Maybe the sociology is the "most humanist topic" and I will teach that".
So I followed my thought and I started Sociology in the University of Chile in 2015.
I think my career is funtional to the social scientist, like his name: Sociology, study of the society.
With the differents studies of the society the society can change: If we know the womens earn less money than mens, the State, government or the people say "This can't be!" and thry to change the things. But, how they know this affirmation? The scientist study of the sociologist can produce this knowledge.
Because of this reason the people exercising sociology need to read the most produced reports possible of a pertinent subject to be a good study in the future, to not repeat any study or to not contradict any study without arguments.
Now I still want be a teacher of sociology, and I think my favorite subject to teach is "Teoría de la sociología I" 'cause talk about Marx (And I love him hehe), Durkheim and Weber, and I think I can teach about their without problems.
What do you think?
We see later!
jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016
I have a lot of assessment about the strikes, in the good and the bad terms.
First, in the bad terms I think the strike can't to shake the people with the demands of the student movilization, 'cause is an exploted movilization and the people is exhausted with both.
In this direction, when the university have a lot of strikes, the people is tired and don't want to movilize anymore.
But I think is the unic bad thing in the strike.
In second time, I think the strike can remember the people what happen with the countre, about the education, the injustice, the capitalism, the patriarchy, etc. In this sense the strike is good, 'cause when one university isn't in strike, show indifference with the problematics in the country, or in the world, like the Univesidad de los Andes. Is the most individualist university and never have a strike.
In other point, the strike can be used to many ways, like go to see the family if you're from a province, or take a "little vacations" to alleviate the stress, or to stay in the house PONERSE AL DIA with the study 'cause maybe you read slow than the rest of your partners, or use the moment to movilization and do things tidy and with more time.
I think all this tings don't be bad, 'cause we need to understand that this country have a merchantil education and the system exploted the students, with special mention the students wasn't in a good school, and don't have a great education. So, the strike, for me, isn't just a methode to movilization, but also a time to be good with yourself and do a time to reflect, and to things maybe yo can't do in other situation.
Maybe FACSO need to imitate Bachillerato: They have a "antisuicidio" week, to alleviate the academic responsibility, and today tomorrow they don't have class.
So, i think, why we don't be in strke NOW?
jueves, 12 de mayo de 2016
Hi partners.
Today I want to talk about one thing I love, but today I DON'T LOVE IT.
I'ts about pizza.
Why pizza? What happen with this perfect cration of the humanity?
This happened:
Yesterday I went with five friends to "Los insaciables" a Pizza's restaurant, with a nice offert: For just 12.000 lucas we could eat all of the 12 pizzas that exist in the restaurante. And we ate three or four times each one of them. Really, we could eat too pizza, for example, I ate in three times a pizza with avocado. A strange flavor, but a good pizza to it.
And this wasn't everything: In the offert, you could drink 1L of beer, 1L!!! Can you think that? All of the members of the group dronk the beer, except one girl, Gabby, who's doesn't like the bear, but the rest dronk her bear.
My friend Yahira, member of this classroom, went the first game over person, 'cause she couldn't eat anymore in the sixt pizza, aprox. And her stomach almost dead.
But she's with life, and stay in this room with we.
But please, understand, in a moment I said "Kill me now" 'cause the pizza hited my stomach, and I just want to vomit.
Well, yet all of the tings I said, the pizza was delicious, and the beer to. And the attention of the waiters was perfect!! they come to your table and put the pizza on your plate even if you have not finish the previous pizza.
And we did a overbold thing, hehe.
When the waiters put the pizza in the plates, we saved the pieces of the pizza in a box, to go to the respectiv houses with pizza, and in the last moment we had a lot of pizza's pieces in our box.
Well, we paid for it, no?
Here one pic about the situation

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016
tThe other day I spoke about te libertary world in Chile after the military dictatorship, and I mentioned CUAC, the father of the next organizations, an why their fragmented and the name of the succes organizations, OCL and CRA, and I said CRA is now a insurrect organization and I said OCL does not exist today, because they changed their name to IL, and works with FEL sill, the organizaton who had problems with OCL in the past.
I said OCL was fragmented and mentioned my organzation, SFCL, where I am, and where is Accion Libertaria, the students table, and said we work in six cities in the country.
I think Salazar, my history of chile professor will be listen to me and talk to the class about my exposition,with the details I mentioned in the clas, like the fundaton of CUAC thanks for the groupof syndicalist and punkys or with the mention of the fragmentation of OCL, I do not know. But one thing I know, my organization is the bet organization in the world
miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016
Hello guys.
Yesterday I went to a restaurant called Veganbunker.
It's my favorite restaurant 'cause have vegan food and all of the offerts be delicious.
Yesterday I ate a sandwich with tomato, avocado, acid cream, a soja grilled burguer, and a little pieces of cucumber (I love this word, "cucumber").
And the atention was so nice.
The restaurant have a politic of non-discrimination in every way, in other words, they don't accept racist people, homofobic people, carnivorous people, etc.
The waitress spoke with me a long time, and told me about the inclusion in the restaurant: She's lesbian and don't have any problem with that.
I'm so happy with she, she's a good person. And she recomended me drink a lemonade with "gengibre", and I think was the best lemonade in the world, really. It was fresh and sweet, ñam.
The veganbunker is in providence, I don't know where, but have a parking to bicycles and I went to the place in my bicycle, by Dublé Almeyda street, since Av. Macul, and folded in a street called Frutos, or Fruta, I don't remember.
So, in the last moment, I bought a vegan cupcake, and it's better than the normal cupcakes, precisely by the cream, 'cause the vegan cream is exquisit.
Well, we see later, bye.
Yesterday I went to a restaurant called Veganbunker.
It's my favorite restaurant 'cause have vegan food and all of the offerts be delicious.
Yesterday I ate a sandwich with tomato, avocado, acid cream, a soja grilled burguer, and a little pieces of cucumber (I love this word, "cucumber").
And the atention was so nice.
The restaurant have a politic of non-discrimination in every way, in other words, they don't accept racist people, homofobic people, carnivorous people, etc.
The waitress spoke with me a long time, and told me about the inclusion in the restaurant: She's lesbian and don't have any problem with that.
I'm so happy with she, she's a good person. And she recomended me drink a lemonade with "gengibre", and I think was the best lemonade in the world, really. It was fresh and sweet, ñam.
The veganbunker is in providence, I don't know where, but have a parking to bicycles and I went to the place in my bicycle, by Dublé Almeyda street, since Av. Macul, and folded in a street called Frutos, or Fruta, I don't remember.
So, in the last moment, I bought a vegan cupcake, and it's better than the normal cupcakes, precisely by the cream, 'cause the vegan cream is exquisit.
Well, we see later, bye.
sábado, 23 de abril de 2016
Hello guys.
Do you remember that the last week I talked to you that I love the computer?
Well, today I lokeed a website called "overstock" to buy a desktop computer. I saw a lot of computers, having $800 to spend, but I saw a beautiful computer only $566 that serving me to play a lot of games. I love it! His name is Cyberpowerpc Gamer ultra.
But I had a problem. I hadn't a desk to put my computer, so with the rest of my money ($233) I searched a desk, and I found a good and pretty desk only $109. His name is Altra Dakota L-Shaped Desk with book shelves, If you want to buy it.
After, I did a quiz about internet, and the 80% of the questions I answered right, hehe. Do you see now that I love computer?
Don't believe me?
See now, I did other quiz about my adiccion to internet, and the result is: "severe". The quiz said to me I have problems with te internet. I said WTF? What's your problem quiz?
I love the internet like I love my boyfriend and like I love the beer. As simple as that.
After I answered a test about mp3 and now I can say, why the test talk about mp3 if now exist the mp4 and the cellphone in which you can put all of the music on the world? It is curious.
Finally, I BUSQUE an article about sociology in a website, and found one called "5 family brithday traditions" following a secuence culture -> culture traditions -> family traditions. I thought was a good idea compare the brithday tradition of the article with my real tradition in my house. Do you think that it is interesting? Doesn't matter.
Well, the article didn't cite in any moment, and didn't talk about the poblation of the study. So, why I believe them? Little information.
I learned with that two things, I think.
1. My family tradition in the birthdays is really different from the typical traditions mentioned in the article.
2. Or the article is so out of phase 'cause any family do the things that the article say. See the pictures of the old family? WTF? Now the people drink all the night, dance a little and talk so much but never shee the past pictures. Maybe just the bourgeois family do that. Just maybe.
Well, before I leave, I show you the list of words I didn't understood:
Either= o/cualquiera de los dos
Truly= de verdad
Howeber= de la manera que
Sibling= hermano/a
Slideshow= presentación de diapositivas
Milestones= contador
Scavenger= carroñero
Crown= corona
Mullet= mújol
Unibrow= uniceja
Whichever= cualquiera
Guaranteed= bajo garantía
Jar= frasco
Thoughtful= considerado/a
Do you remember that the last week I talked to you that I love the computer?
Well, today I lokeed a website called "overstock" to buy a desktop computer. I saw a lot of computers, having $800 to spend, but I saw a beautiful computer only $566 that serving me to play a lot of games. I love it! His name is Cyberpowerpc Gamer ultra.
But I had a problem. I hadn't a desk to put my computer, so with the rest of my money ($233) I searched a desk, and I found a good and pretty desk only $109. His name is Altra Dakota L-Shaped Desk with book shelves, If you want to buy it.
After, I did a quiz about internet, and the 80% of the questions I answered right, hehe. Do you see now that I love computer?
Don't believe me?
See now, I did other quiz about my adiccion to internet, and the result is: "severe". The quiz said to me I have problems with te internet. I said WTF? What's your problem quiz?
I love the internet like I love my boyfriend and like I love the beer. As simple as that.
After I answered a test about mp3 and now I can say, why the test talk about mp3 if now exist the mp4 and the cellphone in which you can put all of the music on the world? It is curious.
Finally, I BUSQUE an article about sociology in a website, and found one called "5 family brithday traditions" following a secuence culture -> culture traditions -> family traditions. I thought was a good idea compare the brithday tradition of the article with my real tradition in my house. Do you think that it is interesting? Doesn't matter.
Well, the article didn't cite in any moment, and didn't talk about the poblation of the study. So, why I believe them? Little information.
I learned with that two things, I think.
1. My family tradition in the birthdays is really different from the typical traditions mentioned in the article.
2. Or the article is so out of phase 'cause any family do the things that the article say. See the pictures of the old family? WTF? Now the people drink all the night, dance a little and talk so much but never shee the past pictures. Maybe just the bourgeois family do that. Just maybe.
Well, before I leave, I show you the list of words I didn't understood:
Either= o/cualquiera de los dos
Truly= de verdad
Howeber= de la manera que
Sibling= hermano/a
Slideshow= presentación de diapositivas
Milestones= contador
Scavenger= carroñero
Crown= corona
Mullet= mújol
Unibrow= uniceja
Whichever= cualquiera
Guaranteed= bajo garantía
Jar= frasco
Thoughtful= considerado/a
jueves, 14 de abril de 2016
Hello my people.
This day I want to talk to you about an interesting thing about my life. Just interesting for me, maybe.
When I was seven years, mi father get the first computer in the house, a "dinosaur" computer, 'cause was gray, giant, slow and old, but change my life, in all of the sence, 'cause my entertaiment now was it, the computer, the internet in he, to play all of the possible games. The games in the street stopped and begand in the internet red, in pages like www.minijuegos.com or www.juegos.com, playing with cars, or with dolls or in a virtual restaurants, like "La camarera".
Now I have 19 years old, and use with the same frecuently the computer, for twelve years. And obviously, now I don't have the old computer, I have a pretty and fast notebook.
And it's funny 'cause I enjoy of the same way, sometimes I will play the same games, and maybe other games, more moderns, like Maplestory, Age of Empires or League of Legends. But really, I love it. I love use the mouse and the keyboard with compromise, to win the games, with all of my concentration in that.
I remembered something!
Yesterday a curious event happened to me. Talking with a friend of sociology we discovered tath we played te most same games in the past, like "La camarera", "papa's pizzeria" or a chinese wok game. Was funny and talked about it all the nigth.
This day I want to talk to you about an interesting thing about my life. Just interesting for me, maybe.
When I was seven years, mi father get the first computer in the house, a "dinosaur" computer, 'cause was gray, giant, slow and old, but change my life, in all of the sence, 'cause my entertaiment now was it, the computer, the internet in he, to play all of the possible games. The games in the street stopped and begand in the internet red, in pages like www.minijuegos.com or www.juegos.com, playing with cars, or with dolls or in a virtual restaurants, like "La camarera".
Now I have 19 years old, and use with the same frecuently the computer, for twelve years. And obviously, now I don't have the old computer, I have a pretty and fast notebook.
And it's funny 'cause I enjoy of the same way, sometimes I will play the same games, and maybe other games, more moderns, like Maplestory, Age of Empires or League of Legends. But really, I love it. I love use the mouse and the keyboard with compromise, to win the games, with all of my concentration in that.
I remembered something!
Yesterday a curious event happened to me. Talking with a friend of sociology we discovered tath we played te most same games in the past, like "La camarera", "papa's pizzeria" or a chinese wok game. Was funny and talked about it all the nigth.
In fact, we didn't sleep yesterday, just look the picture and comprove it, haha.
Well, this is all of today. Rememver guys, the computer, and the internet being the best tecnololly in the world!! And the camera? And the cellphone? And the kindle? And the tablet? BORING!! (mayve the kindle no much).
jueves, 7 de abril de 2016
Hi guys, it's me again.
I'm so excited 'cause the sunday of the past week was one of the best days of my life. ¿Why? Maybe you ask. Well, the reason is so simple. When I had 12 years, I knew my best friend, really one of two best friend. She is Antonia, and she showed me one of the things that changed my life: One song called "In my place". I listened the song and before that moment nothing in this world was equal for me. In that moment I knew Coldplay, the band that today is the unic band that I can listen all day and all night. Everytime when I listen the song "In my place" or some song in the same album, I feeling sadness, I feeling absolutely melancholy, and it is a good sentiment.
Ok, maybe this is just an introduction, haha. The photo represent the best day of my life because the last Sunday y knew Coldplay in their concert, in the Estadio Nacional, and cried and jumped and danced and did all of things that I can did.
The other girl in the picture is Antonia, my mention best friend. She was with me and lived together the experience.
Well, now you answer, Why the second picture?
Obviously is not a photo from the concert.
This happen: the premise of the post is "The best day of my life" and really my life have more best days, so I decide put one plus. The second picture was taked in December, 2014, the day when I published my book. I can not forget that day.
jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016
Hi guys, I'm Marraqueta but this isn't my real name. My name is Catalina and I have 19 years old.Yes, I'm old. I study sosciology, this is my second year, and I love it. I love theory, I love read Marx and try to understand their texts. But I hate Hegel, the "father" of Marx, I thinks he's so ridiculous ¿Do you thing that? Whatever, I love a lot of others things, than de vegan burguers, the rice (of muy mom, obviously), the bread with avocado ¡Ñam! And the guacamole... oh my god, the guacamole it's the best thing that exist in the world, except for the veganburger 'cause that is the most exquisite food, when have guacamole hahaha. Well, I have a book published, his name is La confabulacion del inmortal, and now I'm writting the second part of their, and it's awesome, really. Well, that is all for today. Bye guys.
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