miércoles, 29 de junio de 2016

Hi. One of my favorite movies is "Still Alice" (Yesterdey in the night, HBO2 showed this movie). I knew this movie 'cause my old sister. In a "night of movies" with the family she showed "Always Alice", and I cried every times. Really, I don't know nothing about actor's or actress's, just know Johny Deep and Emma Watson, hehe, but I searched who was thefamous actor's or actriss's in this movie and I found: Julianne Moore, the lead actress won an Oscar for his show this movie, and a secondary actress is Kristen Steart, the lead actress in the secuence of movies of "twilight". I don't know much about genders of movies, but this movie is maybe dramatic (well, I cried all the night), and is about Alice, one proffesional of the language, and mother, who was diagnosed with Alzhaimer, in his short age. The movie show how this disease ruins her life in one year, making she forget all of his life, her sons, her work, her husband. It's really sad. The movie show perfectly this bad disease, and what will be feel someone if have it. You can think in the misterious of the mind, how the mind can betray you, in anytime. I think I prefer have SIDA than alzhaimer. With alzhaimer Alice ceased to exist, to make a zombie, an animal without comunication, without memory. The name of the movie, "still alice" is like a joke of the life of Alice, 'cause she ceased his life, his past, by more than try to fight. bye. Remember your life, your memory !!

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