domingo, 19 de junio de 2016

One day I talked aboutthem, about Coldplay, my favorite band. I love them, I love their music, fundamentaly the old discs. Really, Idon't know much about Coldplay, about their travels like group, or their work or composition, just I know their music, 'cause I like theri music, anymore, I don't know nothing about Chris martin, just maybe he's beautiful. But I hate be a obstrusive fan, I don't understand what happen with the obstrusive fans. Well, about coldplay... In the past, they played alternative and depressive music, like Radiohead, but now they play a mixture of pop and depressive music, to change the style. To me, the new music is so so, but the old music is perfect. I like Coldplay 'cause I love listen a melancholy music, to make my day more interesting, to feel something, or feel more. Really, I haven't a favorite song of this group, but I can name the best songs for me, without order: Square One (a wonderfull electric and melancholy song), shiver, green eyes, 'til kingdom come, in muy place, politik, amsterdam, up in flames, viva la vida, 42, X&Y, violet hill. Regrettably, in the concert of coldplay this year, their played JUST ONE of this songs I mentioned, "'til kingdom come", and other I like "don't panic" but isn't one of my favorites songs. I show you a good song: Bye.

5 comentarios:

  1. well, I must say that never listen Coldplay, I only know their name

  2. Talking about personality and music, as Yahira mentioned, I wouldn't have seen you as a Coldplay fan.

  3. Some time ago, I listened to a lot Coldplay. Really, I dont know why I stopped like :(

  4. I like some songs from Coldplay! are nice
