jueves, 26 de mayo de 2016
I always wanted to be a teacher, but no teachin the school, 'cause the requirement of the ministry of education seems to me lousy. So, in third medium I thought: "I love the humanist subject, what humanist topic can I teach in the future? Maybe the sociology is the "most humanist topic" and I will teach that".
So I followed my thought and I started Sociology in the University of Chile in 2015.
I think my career is funtional to the social scientist, like his name: Sociology, study of the society.
With the differents studies of the society the society can change: If we know the womens earn less money than mens, the State, government or the people say "This can't be!" and thry to change the things. But, how they know this affirmation? The scientist study of the sociologist can produce this knowledge.
Because of this reason the people exercising sociology need to read the most produced reports possible of a pertinent subject to be a good study in the future, to not repeat any study or to not contradict any study without arguments.
Now I still want be a teacher of sociology, and I think my favorite subject to teach is "Teoría de la sociología I" 'cause talk about Marx (And I love him hehe), Durkheim and Weber, and I think I can teach about their without problems.
What do you think?
We see later!
jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016
I have a lot of assessment about the strikes, in the good and the bad terms.
First, in the bad terms I think the strike can't to shake the people with the demands of the student movilization, 'cause is an exploted movilization and the people is exhausted with both.
In this direction, when the university have a lot of strikes, the people is tired and don't want to movilize anymore.
But I think is the unic bad thing in the strike.
In second time, I think the strike can remember the people what happen with the countre, about the education, the injustice, the capitalism, the patriarchy, etc. In this sense the strike is good, 'cause when one university isn't in strike, show indifference with the problematics in the country, or in the world, like the Univesidad de los Andes. Is the most individualist university and never have a strike.
In other point, the strike can be used to many ways, like go to see the family if you're from a province, or take a "little vacations" to alleviate the stress, or to stay in the house PONERSE AL DIA with the study 'cause maybe you read slow than the rest of your partners, or use the moment to movilization and do things tidy and with more time.
I think all this tings don't be bad, 'cause we need to understand that this country have a merchantil education and the system exploted the students, with special mention the students wasn't in a good school, and don't have a great education. So, the strike, for me, isn't just a methode to movilization, but also a time to be good with yourself and do a time to reflect, and to things maybe yo can't do in other situation.
Maybe FACSO need to imitate Bachillerato: They have a "antisuicidio" week, to alleviate the academic responsibility, and today tomorrow they don't have class.
So, i think, why we don't be in strke NOW?
jueves, 12 de mayo de 2016
Hi partners.
Today I want to talk about one thing I love, but today I DON'T LOVE IT.
I'ts about pizza.
Why pizza? What happen with this perfect cration of the humanity?
This happened:
Yesterday I went with five friends to "Los insaciables" a Pizza's restaurant, with a nice offert: For just 12.000 lucas we could eat all of the 12 pizzas that exist in the restaurante. And we ate three or four times each one of them. Really, we could eat too pizza, for example, I ate in three times a pizza with avocado. A strange flavor, but a good pizza to it.
And this wasn't everything: In the offert, you could drink 1L of beer, 1L!!! Can you think that? All of the members of the group dronk the beer, except one girl, Gabby, who's doesn't like the bear, but the rest dronk her bear.
My friend Yahira, member of this classroom, went the first game over person, 'cause she couldn't eat anymore in the sixt pizza, aprox. And her stomach almost dead.
But she's with life, and stay in this room with we.
But please, understand, in a moment I said "Kill me now" 'cause the pizza hited my stomach, and I just want to vomit.
Well, yet all of the tings I said, the pizza was delicious, and the beer to. And the attention of the waiters was perfect!! they come to your table and put the pizza on your plate even if you have not finish the previous pizza.
And we did a overbold thing, hehe.
When the waiters put the pizza in the plates, we saved the pieces of the pizza in a box, to go to the respectiv houses with pizza, and in the last moment we had a lot of pizza's pieces in our box.
Well, we paid for it, no?
Here one pic about the situation

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016
tThe other day I spoke about te libertary world in Chile after the military dictatorship, and I mentioned CUAC, the father of the next organizations, an why their fragmented and the name of the succes organizations, OCL and CRA, and I said CRA is now a insurrect organization and I said OCL does not exist today, because they changed their name to IL, and works with FEL sill, the organizaton who had problems with OCL in the past.
I said OCL was fragmented and mentioned my organzation, SFCL, where I am, and where is Accion Libertaria, the students table, and said we work in six cities in the country.
I think Salazar, my history of chile professor will be listen to me and talk to the class about my exposition,with the details I mentioned in the clas, like the fundaton of CUAC thanks for the groupof syndicalist and punkys or with the mention of the fragmentation of OCL, I do not know. But one thing I know, my organization is the bet organization in the world
miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016
Hello guys.
Yesterday I went to a restaurant called Veganbunker.
It's my favorite restaurant 'cause have vegan food and all of the offerts be delicious.
Yesterday I ate a sandwich with tomato, avocado, acid cream, a soja grilled burguer, and a little pieces of cucumber (I love this word, "cucumber").
And the atention was so nice.
The restaurant have a politic of non-discrimination in every way, in other words, they don't accept racist people, homofobic people, carnivorous people, etc.
The waitress spoke with me a long time, and told me about the inclusion in the restaurant: She's lesbian and don't have any problem with that.
I'm so happy with she, she's a good person. And she recomended me drink a lemonade with "gengibre", and I think was the best lemonade in the world, really. It was fresh and sweet, ñam.
The veganbunker is in providence, I don't know where, but have a parking to bicycles and I went to the place in my bicycle, by Dublé Almeyda street, since Av. Macul, and folded in a street called Frutos, or Fruta, I don't remember.
So, in the last moment, I bought a vegan cupcake, and it's better than the normal cupcakes, precisely by the cream, 'cause the vegan cream is exquisit.
Well, we see later, bye.
Yesterday I went to a restaurant called Veganbunker.
It's my favorite restaurant 'cause have vegan food and all of the offerts be delicious.
Yesterday I ate a sandwich with tomato, avocado, acid cream, a soja grilled burguer, and a little pieces of cucumber (I love this word, "cucumber").
And the atention was so nice.
The restaurant have a politic of non-discrimination in every way, in other words, they don't accept racist people, homofobic people, carnivorous people, etc.
The waitress spoke with me a long time, and told me about the inclusion in the restaurant: She's lesbian and don't have any problem with that.
I'm so happy with she, she's a good person. And she recomended me drink a lemonade with "gengibre", and I think was the best lemonade in the world, really. It was fresh and sweet, ñam.
The veganbunker is in providence, I don't know where, but have a parking to bicycles and I went to the place in my bicycle, by Dublé Almeyda street, since Av. Macul, and folded in a street called Frutos, or Fruta, I don't remember.
So, in the last moment, I bought a vegan cupcake, and it's better than the normal cupcakes, precisely by the cream, 'cause the vegan cream is exquisit.
Well, we see later, bye.
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